Okay, deep breath, let's get this over with. In the grand act of digital self-sabotage, we've littered this site with cookies. Yep, we did that. Why? So your highness can have a 'premium' experience or whatever. These traitorous cookies hide in your browser, eagerly waiting to welcome you back like a guilty dog that's just chewed your favorite shoe. And, if that's not enough, they also tattle on which parts of our sad little corner of the web you obsess over. Feels dirty, doesn't it?
When Penny-Pinching Attracts Cybercriminals: The Irony of Cutting Cybersecurity Budgets
In times of economic downturn, businesses may be tempted to cut back on cybersecurity. The irony lies in the fact that such periods often see a rise in cybercrime. This article examines the perils of reducing cybersecurity budgets and the long-term negative effects it can have on an organization’s resilience against cyber threats.