UnitedHealth’s Ransomware Ruckus: Docs Demand Feds Handle Patient Notification Chaos

When medics play hot potato with data breach notifications, 100+ groups want UnitedHealth to catch the flak for the Change Healthcare ransomware debacle. They’re lobbying the Feds to say, “Not it!” on alerting patients, as HIPAA hoopla turns into a high-stakes game of cyber-tag.

Hot Take:

Oh, how the tables have turned! Medical industry groups have banded together like a hypochondriac's immune system to ward off the nasty cold of responsibility. Instead, they're pointing their latex-gloved fingers at UnitedHealth Group to cough up notifications to patients about the Change Healthcare ransomware sniffles. They're essentially saying, "Not it!" faster than a kid in a game of tag at recess. UnitedHealth, meanwhile, is probably popping antacids like candy, dealing with the financial indigestion of a nearly $1 billion cleanup bill. And paying off ransomware hackers? That's like feeding a stray cat; now they'll keep coming back for more. But hey, at least now they have a good icebreaker for parties: "Did I ever tell you about the time I paid $22 million to cybercrooks?"

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