Sizzling Debate: OpenAI Teases NSFW Content Possibilities, Draws the Line at AI-Generated Porn

Navigating the NSFW no-go zone, OpenAI draws the line at explicit content. Exploring age-appropriate contexts, but keeping AI-generated porn off the menu. Stay tuned, things might get a little less safe for work. #OpenAI #NSFWPolicy

Hot Take:

OpenAI is like that parent who says you can't have candy before dinner but then whispers, "Maybe just this once if you eat your broccoli." They're cracking the door open to NSFW content, but they're slamming it shut on AI-generated smut. It's a fine line between freedom and responsibility, and OpenAI is doing the hokey pokey with its policies—put your left foot in, take your right foot out. But let's be real, we're all just waiting for the inevitable "AI-generated erotica written by a bot who thinks it's Shakespeare." Get your popcorn ready, folks!

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