Russian Hackers Exploit Edge Routers: Global Alert on APT28 Cyber Menace

Crack the default login habit, folks! APT28, the cyberbear in the Russian woods, is feasting on credentials via your EdgeRouters. Time to reboot and refresh, or become part of the ‘botnet buffet’. #CyberSecurityChaCha

Hot Take:

Looks like APT28's been partying harder than a college freshman with their parent's credit card, and the world's EdgeRouters are footing the bill. In the latest cyber conga line led by these Russian rascals, "default" might as well be the password to global chaos. If only there was a way to turn "admin123" into an impenetrable fortress of solitude... Oh wait, there is: it's called "changing your default login credentials," folks! But seriously, if your password is still "password," you're practically rolling out the red carpet for Fancy Bear's hacking hoedown.

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