Party Crashers Beware: Rep. Carter’s Rocking Cybersecurity Roundtable Turns Defenses Into Fun!

“Emerging Cyber Threats Prevention” took center stage at Rep. Carter’s cybersecurity bash. This wasn’t just a schmooze-fest for geeks, but a heavy-hitting educational platform arming attendees with the knowledge to combat cyber threats. In the world of cybersecurity, it’s clear that offense might win games, but defense wins championships.

Hot Take:

Looks like Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) decided to throw a cybersecurity party and everyone was invited! From academia to private sector experts, there was a geek in every seat. Though Carter couldn't make it due to his duties in Washington, his virtual presence and opening remarks set the tone for a high-powered discussion on cybersecurity. Who says cybersecurity isn't a social event?

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