Operation Talent: FBI’s Epic Takedown of Cybercrime Havens!

The FBI has seized the domains of notorious forums Cracked.io and Nulled.to, taking down hubs of cybercrime with a swift operation. Despite claims of a data center mishap, the real culprit was Operation Talent, proving once again that FBI agents have a talent for seizing the moment—and the domains.

Hot Take:

Looks like the FBI decided to play traffic cop on the information superhighway, and Cracked.io’s ride just got towed! It’s like watching a group of international cybercrime-fighting superheroes join forces to give these hackers a taste of their own medicine. Who knew the FBI had such a flair for domain flipping?

Key Points:

  • Operation Talent led to the seizure of several notorious hacking forums and marketplaces.
  • Authorities from multiple countries, including the US, Italy, and Australia, were involved.
  • Cracked.io and Nulled.to were major hubs for cybercriminal activities.
  • The FBI changed the domains’ name servers to indicate their seizure.
  • Seized platforms were used for selling stolen data and credential stuffing tools.

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