MITRE Gets NERVe-Wracked: Cyberattack Downs Research Giant, No Data Theft Reported

MITRE’s got cyber woes, thanks to some stealthy Chinese threat actors. They snuck past VPN guards, playing digital twister with zero-days, and turned NERVE into a nerve-racking tale of hijacked sessions. No data heist, just a hefty dose of disruption. Patch it up, folks, and watch out for those virtual backdoors!

Hot Take:

When the brainiacs at MITRE get a cyber-boo-boo, you know it's not just your grandma's Facebook account at risk anymore. The cyber baddies have gone all Mission Impossible, using "zero-days" like Tom Cruise uses harnesses. But hey, at least they didn't swipe any data... that we know of. So, it's like a digital B&E sans the theft—just a courtesy "we could've taken your secrets" note left on the virtual fridge.

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