Malvertising Mayhem: Hackers Impersonate WinSCP and Putty to Deploy BlackCat Ransomware on Unsuspecting Admins

Beware, Windows sysadmins! Hackers are dishing out fake WinSCP and Putty sites like hotcakes. Don’t rush or trust—malvertising is serving up a side of BlackCat ransomware with your downloads.

Hot Take:

Oh, the nostalgia of the good old days when hackers would at least wine and dine a system before dumping ransomware on it. Now, it’s just fake ads and phony downloads before you’re crying into your keyboard. Get your act together, cybercriminals—your lack of creativity is showing! Let’s take a peek at how hackers are treating Windows sysadmins like fish in a barrel with their malvertising shenanigans.

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