Fujitsu Falls Prey to Stealth Malware Heist: Apologies Issued as Data Theft Confirmed

Fujitsu’s latest heist flick stars ‘advanced malware’—not ransomware—as the stealthy villain in a corporate data caper. Apologies issued, but the mystery of the ‘how many’ remains unsolved. 🕵️‍♂️💻🔒 #CyberSleuthsNeeded

Hot Take:

Oh, Fujitsu, you sneaky cyber ninjas, keeping the juicy details of your "advanced" malware under wraps. It's not ransomware, you say? Well, I guess that's the digital equivalent of saying, "I got an F on my test, but it wasn't because I didn't study!" Color us intrigued, and let's be real, slightly amused at the cloak-and-dagger vibes of this corporate cyber saga.

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