Fortify Your Cloud: NCSC’s Latest Guide to Bulletproof SCADA Security in the UK

SCADA Security Shenanigans: UK’s NCSC is schooling critical infrastructures on cloud safety. Because when your SCADA’s in the cloud, it’s not just rain you’re protecting against—it’s cyber storms brewed by hackers!

Hot Take:

Move over, air-gapped SCADA systems, the cloud is rolling in, and it's bringing a storm of security guidelines! The UK's NCSC is basically the tech-savvy equivalent of a weather forecaster for cybersecurity, predicting a high chance of cyber showers and offering an umbrella in the form of cloud security advice. As critical infrastructure teeters on the edge of the digital cliff, the NCSC is here, holding the parachute, and whispering, "Jump, I got you."

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