Diving Deep into Cybersecurity: EPA’s Sink or Swim Saga

In a comical twist, the EPA dived into cybersecurity, only to withdraw its rule on states reporting threats to public water systems. After facing a legal tsunami from states and water associations, the EPA is now drying off, ready to lobby Congress. A belly flop or a strategic backstroke? This is the EPA Cybersecurity Rule Withdrawal story.

Hot Take:

When it comes to cybersecurity, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) might have sprung a leak. After dipping their toes into the deep end of cybersecurity legislation with a rule requiring states to report cybersecurity threats to their public water systems (PWS), they've since performed a backstroke following lawsuits from a trio of states and a couple of water associations. Now, they're drying off and planning on lobbying Congress for similar legislation. Proof that when it comes to cybersecurity, it's sink or swim?

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