Decade of Digital Dread: Ransomware’s Relentless Rise Marks a Ten-Year Tech Takedown

Discover the dark humor of infosec anniversaries with Mikko Hyppönen, as he unpacks a decade of ransomware hilarity—because who doesn’t love a good ‘billion-dollar criminal unicorn’ joke?

Hot Take:

Happy 10th Ransomversary, corporate world! It's been a decade of tears, fears, and "Why didn't we back up our files?" parties. As the ransomware attacks matured from digital juvenile delinquents into full-blown cyber mafiosos, the infosec industry is still playing a game of Whac-A-Mole, minus the satisfaction of actually whacking a mole. Mikko Hyppönen is about to drop some truth bombs at the RSA Conference, but spoiler alert: it's less of a pep talk and more of a "brace yourselves, it's only getting worse."

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