D-Link Disaster: Unpatched Routers Exposed to Wild Cyber Threats! Act Now to Secure Your Network

Feeling insecure? You’re not alone. D-Link routers are facing the music with CISA spotlighting their vulnerabilities. Time to patch up or say bye to your cybersecurity! #RouterRuckus 🛡️😱

Hot Take:

Oh, look, it's another day and another router vulnerability! This time, our digital guardians at CISA are playing cybersecurity whack-a-mole with D-Link router flaws that someone's actually having a field day with. Meanwhile, over at Ivanti, it's like they threw a cybersecurity party and a local attacker found a VIP backdoor pass with their EPMM software. If your router was a milk carton, it'd be past its expiration date and curdling in the corner of the internet fridge.

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