Cybersecurity Meltdown: Change Healthcare’s Nightmare as Hackers Hawk Stolen US Medical Records

In a plot twist straight out of a hacker heist movie, Change Healthcare’s cyber woes deepen as RansomHub peddles Americans’ medical secrets like hotcakes. “Got your SSN? Maybe,” they tease. #CybersecurityNightmare 🕵️‍♂️💻🔒

Hot Take:

Well, folks, Change Healthcare might as well change its name to 'Change Privacy Settings' because when a ransomware group starts window-shopping your medical records like it's Black Friday, you know the cyber-diet plan of "eat less, patch more" didn't quite stick. And if the RansomHub gang’s shopping list is to be believed, they've got everything from your root canal records to your secret military ailments. Let's unpack this digital dumpster fire, shall we?

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