Cybersecurity Glow-Up: How Drexel University Leveled Up from Underdog to Top Dog

Drexel Online Cybersecurity Degree has aced the cyber glow-up, soaring from a struggling underdog to a top-ranking champ. They’ve nailed the secret sauce recipe: high graduation rates, a comfortable student-faculty ratio, and a prestigious badge from Homeland Security and the NSA. Now that’s what you call a successful level-up in cybersecurity!

Hot Take:

So, Drexel University has gone from being the underdog to the top dog in the realm of online cybersecurity degrees. Just two years ago, they were barely scraping by in the Top 25 of Cybersecurity Guide's rankings and now they're proudly sitting at position two. Talk about a glow-up! But what's their secret sauce? Well, it seems they've got a penchant for producing high graduation rates and maintaining a cozy student-faculty ratio. Add to that a shiny badge of honor from the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Administration, and you've got a recipe for success. Now, that's what I call leveling up!

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