Cybersecurity Chronicles: Game of Threats – Who Will Guard UK’s Digital Iron Throne?

In a Game of Thrones-esque battle for safety, the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) is the coveted Iron Throne, facing a 5-25% risk of cyberattacks. With protection duties in a public-private sector love triangle, we’re left wondering, who will be the Jon Snow of cybersecurity, gallantly protecting Critical National Infrastructure? Winter is coming, folks.

Hot Take:

If the Game of Thrones was about cyberattacks, the UK's Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) would be the Iron Throne - the prime target for all the malicious actors. With the risk of a cyber-attack on CNI at 5-25%, it's more of a question of 'when', not 'if'. However, the responsibility of safeguarding the realm, or rather the CNI, seems to be in a state of "it's complicated" between the public and private sectors. Can we please get a Jon Snow for cybersecurity?

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