Okay, deep breath, let's get this over with. In the grand act of digital self-sabotage, we've littered this site with cookies. Yep, we did that. Why? So your highness can have a 'premium' experience or whatever. These traitorous cookies hide in your browser, eagerly waiting to welcome you back like a guilty dog that's just chewed your favorite shoe. And, if that's not enough, they also tattle on which parts of our sad little corner of the web you obsess over. Feels dirty, doesn't it?
Cybercrime Alert: Scattered Spider Spins Qilin Ransomware Web, Targets Top Firms
Beware the web’s wiliest web: Scattered Spider now slings Qilin ransomware, ensnaring firms with a fiendish double-extortion ploy. Even the big fish—like MGM Resorts—aren’t safe in this cybercrime spree. #DigitalDangers

Hot Take:
Just when you thought the cybercrime world couldn't get any more crowded, the Scattered Spider gang decides to spice things up by adding a dash of Qilin ransomware to their digital buffet. It's like a potluck where everyone brings a dish to share, except the dishes are malware, and the guests are high-profile companies with a serious case of heartburn. Bon appétit!