Cyberattacks and Chill: The Hilarious Slow-Mo Race of TT’s Government Against Cybercrime

Ready for another round of ‘Cyberattacks and Chill’? TSTT’s hit with a cyberattack, revealing our digital defenses’ soft underbelly. The real turtle in this race, though? PM Rowley’s government, lagging on the National Cybercrime Legislation Urgency, leaving us all exposed. So grab your popcorn, seems like the next episode of this cyber saga is coming soon!

Hot Take:

Well, well, well, if it isn't another episode of "Cyberattacks and Chill." This time, the spotlight is on the Telecommunications Services of TT (TSTT). It seems our dear friends at TSTT have been hit with a cyberattack, revealing the vulnerable underbelly of our digital defenses. But let's not point fingers at TSTT alone. Our beloved government, under the watchful eye of PM Rowley, has been dragging its feet on cybercrime legislation, leaving us all hanging in the wind. It's like watching a turtle race a cheetah, I mean, come on guys, get a move on, will ya?

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