Cyber Villain to Cellmate: ShinyHunters Hacker Slapped with 3-Year Sentence and $5M Fine

Caught in the digital cookie jar, ShinyHunters’ “Sezyo Kaizen” swapped hacking for hacking it in prison, with a 3-year sentence and a $5M restitution tab. No more phishing for this 22-year-old French cyberpirate—just wishing for a less shiny future behind bars. #HackerSentencing

Hot Take:

Looks like ShinyHunters just played a high-stakes game of 'Capture the Flag' with other people's data, and member Sebastien 'Sezyo Kaizen' Raoult just got his shiny behind handed to him with a three-year "vacation" and a hefty $5 mil souvenir bill. Remember, kids, phishing is for worms, not login credentials.

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