Okay, deep breath, let's get this over with. In the grand act of digital self-sabotage, we've littered this site with cookies. Yep, we did that. Why? So your highness can have a 'premium' experience or whatever. These traitorous cookies hide in your browser, eagerly waiting to welcome you back like a guilty dog that's just chewed your favorite shoe. And, if that's not enough, they also tattle on which parts of our sad little corner of the web you obsess over. Feels dirty, doesn't it?
Cyber Showdown: U.S. Sanctions Iranian Officials for Hacking Critical Infrastructure
Get ready to Ctrl+Alt+Delight in irony, folks! The Treasury’s putting the financial freeze on six Iranian officials for hacking shenanigans. Their digital ‘oopsies’ included a cameo on Pennsylvania water systems and a cyber autograph across Israeli tech. Cyber Av3ngers, more like Cyber Oopsie-Daisies! #SanctionSlapdown

Hot Take:
Nothing screams ‘cyber vendetta’ quite like the U.S. Treasury dropping the sanctions hammer on Iranian officials. It’s like the digital age’s version of a spaghetti Western standoff, except the tumbleweeds are programmable logic controllers and the six shooters are, well, six sanctioned officials. Yee-haw, keyboard cowboys, the Wild Wild Web just got a dose of frontier justice!