Cyber Shakedown: Ex-Consultant’s $1.5M Extortion Plot Unplugs His Future

When cybersecurity turns to cyber-sinister: Vincent Cannady, a former consultant, plays the digital extortionist, demanding a cool $1.5 million or threatening to unleash a company’s darkest data secrets. Talk about a costly unfriend request!

Hot Take:

Well, well, well, if it isn't the classic tale of "give me money or I spill your digital beans" with a side of "my feelings are hurt, so pay up." Vincent Cannady, in a move that screams mid-life crisis more than cyber-espionage, thought he could turn trade secrets and vulnerability lists into his personal retirement fund. Someone clearly skipped the 'How to Quit Your Job Gracefully' seminar. News flash, Vince: extortion is so last century, and you might just end up with a different kind of "suite" than you were bargaining for. 😏

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