Cyber Incidents 101: FEMA and CISA’s Crash Course for Emergency Managers

In an attempt to prepare for the calamities of the digital age, FEMA and CISA have released a guide for emergency managers to understand and plan for cyber incidents. This guide serves as a vital resource for state, local, tribal, and territorial managers to ensure cyber preparedness in their respective jurisdictions.

Hot Take:

Well, well, well, it seems our beloved FEMA and CISA are playing teacher and handing out homework to our state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency managers. Their latest assignment? A crash course in Cyber Incidents 101. Apparently, the traditional disaster menu of hurricanes, floods, and wildfires is just passé. Now, the new spice in the disaster gumbo is cyber incidents. Let's hope these managers have done their 'cyber squats' and are ready to deal with the cyber headaches that are sure to come.

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