Crypto Wallet Woes: Exodus Targeted by Sneaky Python Info Stealer

Exodus crypto wallet faces a sneaky info stealer, cleverly named “” This Python script isn’t just any malware—it’s a fileless, clipboard-monitoring, keylogging ninja that exfiltrates data through Discord. Watch out for your passwords or you might be sharing them with more than your wallet!

Hot Take:

Ah, the eternal dance of cat and mouse continues! Just when you thought your crypto wallet was safely tucked away in its digital vault, here comes a Python script, sneakier than a raccoon at a campsite, ready to filch your precious data. Who knew the real ‘Exodus’ was your wallet’s contents exiting stage left without your permission?

Key Points:

  • The infamous crypto wallet software, Exodus, is targeted by a new Python-based info stealer.
  • The script cleverly monitors the clipboard and listens for keyboard events, especially maliciously handling CTRL-V (paste) actions.
  • Designed with fileless capabilities, this malware processes and exfiltrates data entirely in memory.
  • Data pilfered includes the wallet’s passphrase.json file, and it uses Discord webhooks for exfiltration.
  • The stealthy script avoids detection by lacking persistence mechanisms and is likely obfuscated.

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