CoralRaider Strikes Again: Global Malware Blitz Hijacks CDN Cache for Credential Heist

In the digital shadows lurks CoralRaider, a cyber pickpocket with a penchant for pilfering passwords and pilfering pennies. Watch your virtual wallets, folks—this maverick malware maestro is caching in on credentials worldwide! 🕵️‍♂️💻🌍

Hot Take:

Oh, CoralRaider, you sneaky cyber-pirate, turning the very veins of the internet against us! With your malware-as-a-service buffet and the cunning use of a CDN cache as your digital Trojan horse, you've taken "delivery service" to a nefarious new level. But, like a bad sequel to a hacker movie, your TTPs leave a breadcrumb trail straight to your lair. Get ready for your close-up, because Cisco Talos just wrote your IMDb plot summary.

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