Cloudflare Crusades Against Malware Menace: Savior Shield for 100K Websites!

Beware the boogeyman! Cloudflare’s in superhero mode, swooping in to swap sneaky malware links with their clean mirror—no cape needed, just their nifty automatic URL rewriting service. Free users rejoice, your digital knight in shining armor has got your back! #CloudflareHeroics #NoMalwareHere

Hot Take:

Well, it looks like is the new kid on the block for cyber shenanigans, using Cloudflare's good name like a fake ID at a bar. Cloudflare, being the bouncer in this metaphor, is not having it. They're not only kicking out the imposters but also helping everyone sober up with a free ride home. Good guy Cloudflare—saving the internet one swapped link at a time.

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