Citrix’s Cookie Crumble: When Appliances Bleed Data and Hackers Play Santa

Say hello to the ‘Citrix Bleed’ vulnerability exploitation, where hackers get more cookies than a Santa on a sugar rush. No sleigh? No problem. They’re bypassing multifactor protection and pilfering sensitive info with more finesse than Danny Ocean’s finest. But beware, this cyber heist leaves behind as much evidence as a ghost would—almost none.

Hot Take:

If there ever was a time you wished your appliances would just shut up and work, it's now. Unfortunately, Citrix NetScaler ADC and Gateway appliances didn't get the memo and decided to start bleeding sensitive information instead. Thanks to the 'Citrix Bleed' vulnerability, hackers are having a field day, bypassing multifactor protection and stealing cookies faster than a pre-diet Santa Claus. And with the stealthy nature of these attacks, they're pulling off these heists smoother than Danny Ocean and his crew.

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