Black Basta Blunder: How Cybercrooks Hijacked Quick Assist for Ransomware Rampage

Beware the Quick Assist caper where cyber crooks play IT support to serve you a hot slice of Black Basta ransomware. Microsoft’s on the case, but remember, the only “assist” you need is from legit tech gurus, not Storm-1811’s scammy squad!

Hot Take:

Oh, Microsoft's Quick Assist, from quick fixes to quick hijacks! The cybercriminals' latest toy, masquerading as IT support for a free pass into your digital treasure trove. It's like giving the keys to your house to a burglar because he said he's from the 'Locksmith Guild.' And Black Basta ransomware? Sounds like a pasta dish that'll ruin your appetite... for data security. Time to change the locks, folks!

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