Beware the Scribe Spy: APT42’s Cunning Journalist Ruse to Hack Western Networks

APT42: Not Your Average Catfishers – Iran’s crafty cyber spies pose as journos to slide into corporate DMs. They’re not after gossip; they want the keys to the kingdom, employing ‘Nicecurl’ and ‘Tamecat’ to purr-loin sensitive data. Always check who’s really behind that friendly email, folks!

Hot Take:

It seems APT42 has been binge-watching 'Catch Me If You Can' and taking notes! Masquerading as journalists and NGO hotshots, they've been typing up a cyber-storm to get a backstage pass into corporate networks. Let's grab some popcorn and see how these digital shape-shifters have been using their faux press badges to sling some nasty backdoors into the wild.

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