Beware Healthcare Help Desks: Hackers’ New MFA Scam Targets HPH Sector

Hackers are masquerading as finance gurus to trick health sector IT help desks. With a spoofed local call, they sweet-talk their way into enrolling rogue MFA devices. Watch out, they’re after your corporate goodies—and they’ve got some serious Scattered Spider vibes.

Hot Take:

Well, folks, it looks like hackers are tired of the old "Nigerian Prince" ruse and have decided to play doctor—or at least pretend to be on the staff. The latest cyber-scheme involves sweet-talking IT help desks in the health world, with a side of identity theft and a pinch of MFA device enrollment. It's like a bad date, but instead of ghosting you, they steal your corporate identity and then ghost you. Remember when the worst thing you could catch from a hospital was a cold?

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