ATutor 2.2.4 XSS Vulnerability: A Hilarious Lesson in Web Security Blunders

Andrey Stoykov reveals a Reflected XSS vulnerability in Atutor v2.2.4. This flaw can be exploited with just a simple URL, making it the cyber equivalent of finding your keys in the fridge. Stay vigilant and keep your software updated, or risk being the punchline of your own security joke!

Hot Take:

Well, well, well, it seems like ATutor took a detour on the security highway and ended up in XSS-ville! This ‘reflected’ situation is like the application looking into a funhouse mirror and going, “Whoa, didn’t see that coming!” Time for ATutor to hit the gym and work on those vulnerability muscles!

Key Points:

  • ATutor version 2.2.4 has a reflected XSS vulnerability.
  • The exploit involves manipulating the “theme_dir” parameter in a URL.
  • This vulnerability was discovered and disclosed by Andrey Stoykov.
  • The issue was tested on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • The vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary scripts in the user’s browser.

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