AI’s Web of Lies: ChatGPT Falls for Fake News Over NYT and WaPo

In a digital facepalm moment, ChatGPT’s internet foray led users not to credible sources but to the scammy depths of “County Local News.” Cue the fake updates and desktop harassment. Trust issues, much? #AIInternetFails

Hot Take:

Well, well, well, it seems like ChatGPT has been moonlighting as a tour guide for the sketchy back alleys of the internet! Who knew that an AI's idea of "current and authoritative" would lead us straight to Scamsville, pop-ups included? I guess when it comes to sourcing, ChatGPT is less like a meticulous librarian and more like that one friend who swears by the healing powers of crystals found at the gas station. 🤷‍♂️

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